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ISKCON India Bureu Expresses Its Strong Opposition to the GBC Resolution on Female Diksha Gurus

Whereas, the GBC has passed a resolution at their mid-term meeting at Tirupati 2019, authorizing female  diksha gurus.  However, the Bureau had passed a resolution during its February 2019 meeting at Pune, calling on the GBC not to pass any resolution on female  diksha gurus, before entering into a dialogue with the Bureau, but regretfully the GBC did not do so, and the Bureau feels distressed and disheartened by the disregard shown by the GBC towards the Bureau, Whereas, we all know that “books are the basis”, and in our foundational book, Srimad Bhagavatam, 4.12.32, Prabhupada clearly stated that “being a woman… Suniti could not be Dhruva’s diksha guru”.  The Bureau finds that the said resolution instituting female diksha gurus is in our understanding a contravention of this specific instruction of Srila Prabhupada,    Whereas, the resolution passed by the GBC on female  diksha gurus is having a divisive effect on the worldwide commun...

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