Chanting sri-hari-nama Is The Foremost Of All The Different Limbs of Bhakti - Jaiva Dharma
By Bhaktivinoda Thakura, translated by Narayana Maharaja
Jaiva Dharma, Chapter 2
"You should constantly practice chanting hari-nama with great enthusiasm. Such practice is true spiritual culture. By chanting hari-nama regularly, you will develop unprecedented attachment for sri-krsna-nama within a short time, and you will directly experience the spiritual realm. Chanting sri-hari-nama is the foremost of all the different limbs of bhakti, and it yields the quickest results. This is confirmed by Shri Mahaprabhu's instructions in Shri Krishnadasa Kaviraja's magnificent work, Sri Caitanya-caritamrta (Antya 4.70-71):
bhajanera madhye srestha nava-vidha bhakti
krsna-prema', 'krsna'dite dhare maha-sakti
tara madhye sarva-srestha nama-sankirtana
niraparadhe nama laile paya prema-dhana
Of all the different types of spiritual practice, the nine forms of bhakti (sravanam, kirtanam, etc.) are the best because they have tremendous power to deliver Krishna and krsna-prema. Of these nine practices, nama-sankirtana is the best. By chanting sri-krsna-nama without offense, one obtains the priceless treasure of prema.
"Mahatma, if you ask how to recognize a Vaishnava, I will tell you that a Vaishnava is someone who has given up all offenses, and chants sri-krsna-nama with great feeling. There are three categories of Vaishnavas: the kanistha (neophyte), the madhyama (intermediate), and the uttama (most exalted). A kanistha Vaishnava chants the name of Krishna occasionally, a madhyama Vaishnava chants the name of Krishna constantly, and an uttama Vaishnava causes others to chant hari-nama by his very presence. According to Mahaprabhu's instructions, we do not need any other criteria to discern who is a Vaishnava.""
Sannyasi Thakura was deeply immersed in the nectar of Babaji Maharaja's instructions, and he began to dance as he chanted sri-krsna-nama: 'Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare'. On that day, he experienced ruci (taste) for hari-nama. Offering prostrated obeisances unto the lotus feet of his guru, he prayed, "Prabhu! O friend of the destitute! Please bestow your mercy upon this wretched soul."
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