ISKCON GBC Deviates Further from Shrila Prabhupada

By Ronaldo Franco - 10/18/2019

In a resolution dated October 15, 2019, completely devoid of philosophy and facts, the ISKCON GBC, deviates further from Shrila Prabhupada, his teachings and parampara footsteps. Departing from an established course in tradition with Vaishnava’s inherited way of thinking, the GBC has resolved and stamped female devotees as initiating spiritual masters. For a theme that has its discussion since 2009, ten years late the GBC comes to the conclusion based on consensus, rather than philosophy and tradition. Yes, consensus, as the GBC put it:

"the GBC has worked to achieve consensus and implementation of this resolution".

Apparently the resolution was based mainly in the SAC's Female Diksha Guru Paper, sounding very feministic to my ears.

As the statement on the resolution the GBC presents these Prabhupada words:

“Just adhere yourself to the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Then you become spiritual master. That's all. So I hope that all of you, men, women, boys and girls, become spiritual master and follow this principle. Spiritual master — simply, sincerely, follow the principles and speak to the general public. Then Krsna immediately becomes your favorite. Krsna does not become your favorite; you become Krsna's favorite. (...) So if you want to become recognized by Krsna very quickly, you take up this process of becoming spiritual master, present the Bhagavad-gita as it is, your life is perfect.” (Sri Vyasa-puja Lecture — August 22, 1973, London)

These words by Shrila Prabhupada are not a direct order for all members of the Society to become a stamped spiritual master accepted in the lineage of the parampara. Following the principles and speaking to the general public is a general principle that all members of ISKCON are supposed to follow, nevertheless, not all members of ISKCON are initiating spiritual masters. 

The following statement by Shrila Prabhupada further indicates the wrong direction in accepting a spiritual master according to ecclesiastical conventions, meaning resolutions established by the GBC. 

"Sri Jiva Gosvami advises that one not accept a spiritual master in terms of hereditary or customary social and ecclesiastical conventions."

Members of Prabhupada society are encouraged to teach, and by teaching to become spiritual masters by enlightening others, which doesn't mean to be a stamped spiritual master. It is okay members of ISKCON to teach and to become masters, what is not the same as being stamped as a diksha guru, which is reserved for elevated souls as we have seeing in the chain of parampara.

The GBC "recognize that some members and friends of ISKCON may object to this resolution based on their own reading of sastra, their own social experiences, or deeply held Vaisnava convictions." By recognizing the objections of this resolution the GBC shows its weakness and lack of facts and philosophy regarding the theme.

It is clear and conclusive that in our parampara we don't see Vaishnavis accepting the role of diksha guru. But ISKCON and its governmental body again steps over Prabhupada and establishes its own conclusions.

I wish the resolution was filled with facts and philosophy, but no, it just offers a general instruction to all ISKCON members to become masters. So, are all ISKCON members spiritual masters?


  1. Srila Prabhupada siempre alentó a sus discípulos a tornarse maestros espirituales y el personalmente hizo muchas concepciones dentro de su movimiento y según Kala- Desha - Pata (tiempo, lugar y circunstancias) pienso que Él aprobaría esta resolución.
    Principalmente tomando en cuenta su observación (de Prabhupada) repetidas veces y en varias circunstancias de que el "GBC es mi cuerpo". Entonces no veo problemas en que las resoluciones del Cuerpo Gubernamental de la ISKCON sean aceptadas por los devotos senior del mundo entero.
    En cuanto al consejo de Jiva Goswami (citado en el enlace) de que " no se acepten maestros espirituales en términos de convenciones sociales escleciasticas "hereditarias" " no se integra en éste contesto porque la palabra "hereditarias" claramente hace referencia al "sistema de casta" que se promulgaba en ésa época y que Sri Chaitania MAHA Prabhu vino a combatir lo.
    Entonces mi consejo sería adentrarse mas en las realizaciones de los Vaisnavas serios y senior que con sus inteligencia transcendentales hacen fluir la consciencia de KRISHNA más adecuada para esta era.
    Om tat sat

  2. A guru can not be stamped, but can be recognized. Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to appoint some of His associates to act as diksha gurus and even indicated specific regions in India where they where supposed to take disciples. It means that the zonal guru system is not a strange thing in vaishnavism.
    By other hand, it is a tradition that a math acarya indicates his successor in vaishnavism.

    Even Srila Prabhupada told that he wishes that his spuritual sons and daughters studied to graduate as Bhaktivedantas and all of them could become gurus. He also planned that maybe by 1975 it could be done, i.e , a Bhaktivedanta he/she discipline with about 10 years of devocional experience would be able to take disciples.

  3. Link to Sastric Advisory Council (SAC)' s paper that supported ISKCON GBC decision:


    Above is the link for the SAC paper where both unfavorable and favorable points were balanced to support GBC's decision.



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