Don’t Discuss your Internal Bhajana with Others

"Don’t discuss your internal bhajana with others. If you keep steam or gas in a container then so much can be done. It has so much strength. You can be like a train, car, or a plane. Stock everything inside you, like steam, then your bhajana will be very powerful. You will be able to fly more than an airplane. You can go to America in 28 hours from India. But you can go to Goloka Vṛndāvana in a few minutes. But if you open up your cylinder and let all the steam pass out, you’ll go down and down to hell. Your bhajana and sevā will all be lost. You should keep everything quiet. What you do when you wake, when you chant, how you serve, everything should be kept confidential…" (more below)
- Sripad Premananda Prabhuji, 03 Nov 2013
